Good-Bye, My Love

They come and go just like the rain and snow. I knew it would come but not this soon. He filled my heart with joy and laughter and then he took it all away. My heart was like a puzzle. One minute it was together and the next it had shattered and fell to hundreds of pieces. I cried myself to sleep night after night. I lay by the phone hoping it would ring and be my love. It never rang. I felt dead. I felt as if I could die...I wanted to die plenty of times, but that wasn't the answer. I was stronger than that, but so weak on the inside. In my heart, I should let him go, but I didn't want to. I loved him too much. I cried, hoping he would come back, but he never did. My eyes were red as death. Depression filled my life like it never felt before. I know now I should let him go cause he's never coming back to me. He will always be in a piece of my heartland. I will never forget him. he will always be in my heart. So, Good-Bye, My Love

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem in 1996 for my sister..she was in a car accident with her high school sweetheart that claimed his life at only 17 yrs of age...God Bless you E.B., you'll be forever missed...

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