the Unknown

Each and everyday I try and I try to forget things but they keep on coming back at me. Each and everyday I face a new challenge no one seems to see that I’m trying they all just want to jump out at me and attack me. They come and take what’s left of you and go their ways they make you look bad when they really know it’s them. They hide behind a wall of lies pretending to be happy but they are really just like you. Pretenders are among us we just fail to see them through we fail because we find it’s the easy way out. The rich gets richer the poor gets poorer, more babies having babies no food to feed them all no place for shelter but they keep doing it all. The government make promises that fail to come through it don’t matter only the poor suffers we keep on believing in there lies but we don’t know better for we want a leader so we keep them in power. Power is the key to both doors the good and the evil only evil lives on time after time we face it but no matter what we turn the other cheek. Power is for the rich weak is for the poor just has they like it we all know. How can we change it only God he knows.

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nightlight1220's picture

Oh you sooo tell it like it

Oh you sooo tell it like it is!!


Kudos! Nice gut level honesty.



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Livirennie1's picture


thank you

Being honest is what keeps me going!

9inety's picture

knowledge is the power

I'm not preachin, no, not like that.

You are young.

I am old.

We live at different times and in a different space.

But one thing is universally true,

that one thing is truth!

You are right!

"The rich gets richer the poor gets poorer"

help where you can

pick and choose you your battles

fight from the high ground

use your intelligence to win the fight

and know this young one

it never ends....

keep writing

keep fighting




by the by

you write with style and eloquence...


"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

Livirennie1's picture


thank you so much

I do appreciate the love