History (If It Tomorrow You Wish To Make Then Today You Must Think)

History is riddled
With people
Misguided souls
Who thought
They knew
They were doing
At the time
The right thing
But when
It comes
To history
Those who actually
Did the right thing
Were not so cocky
They were
Constantly learning
They understood
That life was
A learning
And sougt
To teach
Instead of lead
Because in the end
Teachers do lead
And those who lead
With out teaching
Fade before making
A difference

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nightlight1220's picture

That's right little lennon

That's right little lennon gurl! And christ himself was one of those ...considered a "criminal" in his day!! 


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "