Hidden Strength

Preyed upon
Leaving you
Beaten on
Broken down
Just wanting
To be left alone
Nothing left
Or so you think
But dig a little deeper
See what you find
See if there isn't

Any hidden strength
You never even

Knew had
Just waiting

For the day
When you might find it
And choose to use it
Find it
See it

Accept it

Yes embrace it
And go with it

For that is where
Your true
Character lies
The strength
When everything
Else is gone

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lizardking's picture

a response to you

you must lose everything

to understand love

love is not desire

love is the passion

fueling the fire

if the fire is asking,

you're willing to burn

so they can feel heat

willing to learn

and waiting to speak

accepting one's past

accepting defeat

and pull on the blankets
when one is asleep

although they might hate it

one day they will see

LittleLennonGurl's picture

I like it

Well said