You And Me 3

Done to dream

Excitment to be

Ride a rollarcoaster

Extreme fun for life

Key to life is happiness.

To me its like a jail

A criminal for life changed that

Lauren taylor, written 10000 times

On loose leaf paper..over and over

Ready to take on any challenge.

Love, but not at 1st sight

Angel, you call me

Unique as i came to be

Rapidly this year i have changed

Externally, into a young woman

Not thanks to myself, but you.

Amazing blue eyes, you say

Radient face..."nooo" but you insist

My personality has changed so much

Super school attitude has became of me

Temper has gone away...for the most part :)

Rarly does it come back

Oddly though how you changed all that

Not two..but 1 person we are

Great life we will have...

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