An action speaks louder than words?

My First

Yes it’s true but sometimes words are needed when actions are not clear. So you don’t have to assume what others really feel, because in the end you may be hurt when they say it’s not for real.
You know what really hurt most? It’s when they say they love you but really didn’t mean it. It’s like they’re playing and when you complain they flew away like nothing happens. Reasons: they forgot they tell you that, and when they remember they will just say that they only say those words because they’re just drag by their emotions. How funny is that? It breaks our soul, it tears my heart apart. Words cannot explain how painful it is to know your loving the wrong person because you believe with those lies. Lies? Yes it is. You don’t mean it so you’re lying on saying it. How can you say it’s not a lie when you forgot it? It didn’t come from the heart and you’ve just said it because it is required for a certain situation. Get it?

We all should know that whatever we do or say we must do it or say it by heart and not because we are drag by the situation or in our emotions. It’s not right people may hurt and it causes wounds that create scars.
We must think twice, never say anything or promise something if you don’t really mean it. Don’t let yourself regret it in the end. It breaks our trust that is hard to earn again. Trust me I’ve been there.
“Sometimes it’s better to burn out than just fade away, It’s better to ask than never say anything, It’s better to get angry than just pretending everything is okay. You can change things by doing something than doing nothing. Clearing things up to a person makes everything okay. Communication makes the relationship last longer. Honestly, loyalty, trust is important ingredients to make it better. Never makes your partner doubt what you feel it would be the start of the negative energies.”

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