only a lil of my life (random writing)

I sit in a classroom,
Thinking about life
Teachers, annoying
Parents, selfish
Friends, betraying
Boyfriend cheating

Got grounded for saying three simple words to mom
She says these all the time
I just want to grab her throat nd squeeze it
Squeeze it
SLit it
Ah the escaping blood
Such a pleasent site
Watch her stream and cry
That would be the day
But for now I just sit

Friends starting rumors
Those rumors annoy me
Cause my boyfriend to be unloyal
Betrayal is all that lies ahead for us it seems
I love him to death

My temper scares most
Simple things upset me
I'm no stroner than your averge girl athlete
My mouth does more than my body
Ahh I miss the days
Punch something and no harm done
But the days are long gone.

Sitting and letting my teacher complain
So what if i dont pay attention in class
I sure the hell don't care.
FIghting with my teacher again
BIg surprise
Just one day everything will go away
Be normal
Messed up in the head or not
I still have hope.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I get bored and just randomly write stuff i usually write stories (much better at) but i ended with this there other day. hmmm? ik its not that good but

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GSNJSMJ's picture

poetry does not particularly

poetry does not particularly have to good.( not at all to say this is bad because it wasn't.) I guess all I'm saying is that poetry must be real authentic and felt at the moment. this is exactly what this is. most times that's all it needs to be


Ascesa e rialzarsi fino a quando gli agnelli diventano leoni

Rise and Rise again until Lambs become lions

lifesabitch97's picture

thanks for the input. my

thanks for the input. my teachers try to get me into writing poems rather than stories. But i need help atleast to get started (her words). what better help than the world of writers.

GSNJSMJ's picture

Well I think you have done

Well I think you have done fantastic so far

I know, I just switched from writing novels and short stories to poetry myself. I guess im not the most credible person to be lending advise but first things first...just write how you feel, when you feel and the rest will develop naturally.

so far your doing just that and are on your way to really creating some of your own divine poetry
with that said, write whatever you want whether it b poems or stories its not up to your teacher but to you, am I right?

if you need somethin else jus let me know, yeah? ill help you get started but I think your doin just fine already.


Ascesa e rialzarsi fino a quando gli agnelli diventano leoni

Rise and Rise again until Lambs become lions