"And I would like to state for the record that I did everything that I could do"

And I find that thirteen of

my vertebrae are wafting through doorways

Undecided of the sinister differences between black and white.

I sip my turkish delight.

Sybolism is in the windowsill. The last petal of a

last leaf

And up front and center with the mirror, I put

my face on

The foundation, to hide deprivation

The mascara, to say hey, I'm up here

The soul is an interstate exit for the wounded

And there's more then one these days

So buy me a beer and let's get transatlanctic

Break smiles with the sharp teeth behind them

You'll learn that about me.

It's a downright consistency

Learn that obsession is a martyr, that sticks around

kind of like a smudge (a memory) that you can't block out

and you notice it everytime you go to sit down



oh well

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I'm impressed. You really write well.