Hand Cancer

Mass murderer

You were beautiful, once

I was reaching for your mouth

Too raw for me to kiss

There's a trail of blood thats

come from the hearts that you've stopped

And it isnt funny anymore

Our hands had a moment, they spoke

Mine made a fist and threw up every last

one of your intentions

If only it were the lies, I'd go

I'd wait for this to solidify, but

Ive got hand cancer

and its got me


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running_with_rabbits's picture

ok you had me just stunned

ok you had me just stunned and sitting in the wake of myself with the line
mass murder, you were beautiful once"

I <3 your work

Much Love


Pamela Lawrence's picture

I've really enjoyed reading your poems. You have a great mastery of words, so rare in one so young. Thats real talent!