how long can this go on?

From the heart

Isn't it funny,
how no one seems to see?
isn't it funny,
how there is only me?
four walls of torture,
plus a teacher and class.
six hours of horror,
not even a laugh.
i hate it here,
i hate it there.
to me, its always hate.
i'm alone and tired and sick,
of all the people who act like
i'm done.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just sick of stupid people at school who make you feel like crap just because they feel bad about themselves. grow up, people, we're not in second grade anymore.

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ebonyblessings's picture

I concur

School can be very educational yet cruel at the same time. Just follow your heart and do you. Don't give up because at some point everything shall fall into place. I have been there and am now truly blessed and so are you... Within your poetic soul is a God given talent. NOW OWN IT!!! Blessings to you and keep the writing coming....


vaibhav's picture


really a good one, try to see the good things in life ignoring the bad ones,,
lifez good'; lifez bad,,
depends on u; happy or sad

Fitzgerald's picture

Excellent write. Its people

Excellent write. Its people like that will never succeed in life