Scared Shitless

I'm scared that I'll always be overweight

I'm scared that I never get to live my dream

I'm scared that I will die alone and unloved

I'm scared that I will go blind

I'm scared that I will lose my mom

I'm scared of fire

I'm scared of closed spaces

I'm scared of spiders

I'm scared of not learning from my mistakes

I'm scared to look in windows, someone might be looking back

I'm scared that I really am crazy

I'm scared that people just "put up with me"

I'm scared of losing a friend

I'm scared of pretending

I'm scared of things not being symmetrical

I'm scared that people will find out I'm a freak

I'm scared I'll miss the rapture

I'm scared that people will be mad at me, but won't tell me so

I'm scared of missing out

I'm scared of failing miserably

I'm scared of war

I'm scared of clowns

I'm scared that I'm a terrible actress

I'm scared of deadly epidemics

I'm scared of drowning

I'm scared to ask Matt to tell me the truth

I'm scared that people will think I'm stupid

I'm scared that people will think I'm annoying

I'm scared that I'm a hypochondriac

I'm scared of getting old

I'm scared of being weak

I'm scared that the sun will become a red star and engulf us

I'm scared of being poor the rest of my life

I'm scared that if I become famous it will go to my head

I'm scared of being stereotypical

I'm scared of being the fuck-up in the family

I'm scared of not having adventures

I'm scared of being bored

I'm scared my kids will hate me

I'm scared my husband will regret marrying me

I'm scared of being a bitch

I'm scared that people don't really like me

I'm scared of silence

I'm scared of being scared shitless

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this list will probably be added onto.

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Katie Sims's picture

I love the idea, I can relate to quite a few of your fears, as well.
'I'm scared of things not being symmetrical'
Wow, I thought I was alone! Ever since I was small everything had to be even and perfect... and no one ever understood. Even so, odd numbers are the best!

And trust me, darling, you will always be loved. You are neither stupid or annoying, and there is no way someone couldn't love you and your wonderfully addictive personality.

Oh, and don't worry about the sun, that will happen... but not for millions of years or such. Trust me, I have a love affair with the science channel.