Loves Gift

Gives you something to live for

Gives you something to wake up for

but why does it hurt so bad

Why do I feel so alone when he is beside me

Why do I feel deperssed when I should be happy

Love is supposed to be a gift, not a heartache

Heartaches should not last all the time

Love is a gift, why do we abuse it

Love is a pain in my arse

Love is something I have never understood,

Love is something I can live without

It hurts to love

IT hurts when I am with him,

It hurts when I am not with him

Why does love always screw you when you think you are doing better

Why do they change in the last min, just when things are going great

Love sucks

Love is in my book no longer a gift, but a hard ass piece of shit we all have to go through.

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