I want to yell

I want to scream

You invaded my space again

You invaded my heart

This time you pushed to far

This time you are done

I am trew with you

I am done ..

I no longer care

I want you out of my life

I want you gone

You brought someone over with out asking

I am livid.

I want to beat you

I want to hurt you

I want you to feel the hurt you have caused me

I want you to feel the "panic" attack you have given to me

I want you to feel the hurt you did tonite

I want, you know I no longer want,

I will do it.

YOu are no longer in my heart

you are no longer a part of me

you are no longer a man in my eyes.

You can not come

you can not be here anymore

I want you gone

you invaded my space for the last time..

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is about tonite 12/12/03

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