...Distance between two hearts...

...is not an obstacle...

...rather a beautiful reminder of...


how strong true love can be...

href="http://www.wtv-zone.com/SweetPonyGirl/Page5Cdrms1.html">Signatures By PonyGirl



I hear the wind calling your name and mine

Softly dancing like a luminous candle in the night

Listen our hearts beating  together just like one

Sweet nothings whispers us under the moonlight

Every night silently you and I we fly

In the day like an eagle we soar so high

Everywhere I go your love is all I see

Your closeness makes me all the time sigh

With your love now I am completely free

In my heart there's nobody like you

Hold my hand and let's continue our walk

Heart to heart we'll make it through

Music fill our souls with happy songs my Love

Feel it day and night with this wonderful love so true!

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


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