ThaNksGiving TiMe Is HeRe OnCe aGaIn

YummY FeAst aNd FAmIliEs To MeEt! I sEe You gRiN!

WoNdeRful DaY to TakE all YouR cArEs Away

WiTh HoPeS anD LoVe YoU'll TrUlY sHaRe ToDaY

TiMe tO rEmiNd yOu tHaT fAmiLy anD FriEndS

AlWayS tHey'Re thEre iN yOuR hEarT tO MeNd

DrOpPing AgAiN On YoU iTs This BleSsED dAy

FoR evEryThinG RemEmBer NoW To ThaNk GoD anD sAy

A LitTle PrAyEr,wIth YoUr HeArT, HiS lOvE Is In DisPlAy!

WiShInG YoU All a MoSt WoNdErFuL ThAnKsGiVinG

FuLL oF HoPeS AnD bEaUtIfUL DrEaMs!

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