Star Trails

Staring mesmorizingly at the night sky

The sound of waves crashing from a distance

The smell of salt lingering amidst the brisk air

Gritty sand clinging to my feet

My eyes fixated on the fire that burned before me

Knowing peace if only momentarily


Feeling insignificant whilst gazing upon the countless stars

A black sky painted with patterns of bright and dimly lit twinkling magnificence

My world is but a small fragment of a larger unknown


You then appear in all your glory

Shooting, burning, gleaming

You helped me to see a truth I question if I knew existed

My shooting star

Leaving behind a blazing trail

Though but only for a few moments

There you were


Your trail, shortly lived, had impact on my soul

You left behind beauty

Joyous, anxious beauty

Beauty that left me speechless

Gasping in awe and aching for more


It was then I realized our time here is merely but a small fraction

But like you, we too, have our impact

We leave our marks

We have our own effect on the world surrounding us


It is beautiful

It is chaos

It is physical


We leave behind our own star trails

Brief but captivating


We call it life




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