Mercy Me!

Now I lay me down to sleep,

In God's hands I rest my feet.

For the road I traveled was covered in grief,

but I kept on keepin' on cause that's just me.

A life swallowed up by misery and jealosy ,

but I kept on keepin' on cause that's just me.

Temptation inviting me down

a road paved in deciet,

hindering my vision causing

me to question what I see,

weakening my faith,

'til I had no beliefs,

Poisoning my mind,

destroying my mentality.

I kept on keepin on cause that's just me!

But when the entity, that is

the very essence of me,

lost its shine and struggled to be.

I could go no further

for life had the better of me.

Now, I lay me down to sleep

In God's hands I rest in peace!

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