
On the air a stillness lay,

the bird had sought its roost.

No breeze disturbed the golden hay,

the man from toil was loosed.

The clouds that on horizon lay

advanced with day's goodbye,

painting over blue with grey

they slowly claimed the sky

As the evening shadows fell

soft tears began to fall,

they pattered softly on the dell,

caressed the garden wall.

A sigh passed through the eucalypts

as air began to stir,

the branches waved like tossing ships,

mirrored by the fir.

As the flurry gathered strength

the wind grew to a moan.

Old willow strained until at length

it toppled with a groan.

Then, it seemed, as if to say

I've done what I intended,

the stormy tempest eased away

and left the tree upended.    

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