
Caught between the crevice of delusion and reality;

Surge, vague, twine, rip, assault, mind.

Through the shattered pieces of glass,

Countless rays of light are reflected.

In my ruined and desolute mind,

I ridicule nihility; I dissipate in solitude;

Cold blood flows.

My faded mind is slipping through.

From yonder darkness, pierced light awakened the past.

Eternity of time is ticking away endlessly; Reminiscence.

From yonder time, the present tied to the past,

With pieces of recollection; Reminiscence.

From yonder darkness, the broken pieces of recollection; Reminiscence.

Eternity of time ticking away...endlessly; Reminiscence.

Light pierced, awakened the past; Reminiscence.

Why am I here, nowhere?

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