Moving Me





To someone that is hard for me to understand


I never read you but I just did

And if I think it pertains to me

And understand (  in my own way  )

Does that mean

I am losing my mind ?




Or that I am finding it

Somewhere Else


1:11 AM

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This could of been about anybody

( I guess )

But most I can understand.

This poem at the time was after I read someone that

I don't read cuz I have enough out there

Messin with me ( and my mind )

For that matter Haha ( for that matter )

And had a ( different ) connection on this night

Where I decided to read them

And said this is mind over matter

Or I am losing my mind.

Which anything is possible


I hope to wake up tomorrow

( and my finger isn't by the Red Button )

It Isn't Haha



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I might as well tell you

This poem was about Satish

After reading his poem " Moving off  ".

"  My girl next door  " had gotten a Peacock tatoo

So this poem meant something special to me.

Really strange.

Cuz now she was gone.

I felt something for her.


KindredSpirit's picture

I just put the notes out

But it might be more confusing.

Who knows ?

The point at the End is there are people out there

Who can Hurt You

And I ain't trying to be One of Them.


sweetwater's picture

Hi, after replying to your

Hi, after replying to your comment on my poem, I have been reading some of yours, I must say I do like them, so different from many others. They are ( to my mind anyway ) ' thinker's poems' much deeper than most I have read on here. Sue.

KindredSpirit's picture

Thank you so much Sue

That they are.

I would hope.

My poems put a twist on me at times.

( all the time really ) cuz I do not know where they are going to go.  Like this reply to you right now.

Sometimes people don't understand ( maybe )

But they think they do.

And some people ( now in a bigger tense )

Will make fun of you.

( the collective us as you)

Or whatever an English teacher says ( you ) means.


My new poem is going to be

"  When is You ( You ) "

And when is it not ?

I came here to explain this poem and seen your comment.  And now I feel like I am just

Rambling but I don't care.

Thanks for listening.