Inside Game

Straight Write Now


Inside secrets

In an inside game

Who you think

You playing with


There are

Inside secrets

In an inside game

They are there


You aren't

Who you think

You playing with ?

Inside secrets

In an inside game

Who you think

You are

Playing with

In your space

And time




My space and time


With yours

The gears

Spoken time

We trial run

The streets

Who you think

You playin with ?

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SSmoothie's picture

So true, feels like an

So true, feels like an episode of the twilight zone!  I often ask this question.  I like the rounds. Gives the sense of an endless cycle! Hugss

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

KindredSpirit's picture

That is life Smooth

It gets to everyone

Sooner or later.

We just have to deal with it

The Best We Can.