Realization of madness


If god made me

then why am i here ?

Why am i in pain?

why do i fear ?

Going beyond thoughts and dreams

finding out somehow

outta all these reams

that the words on these papers

dont make sense it seems

What is it that makes me tick ?

whats my purpose ?

Thinking about this makes me sick

The anwers i found

can come to only one conclusion

and that is that there is no god

The stories were just an illusion

Now alone i sit and think

(i have no purpose)

I welcome the drink

Lost in raving madness

blind to fear

I pulled the trigger

after drinking my last beer.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Brook B's picture

Nice poem.. .. you're a great writer! I'll be back for more!

Wilted Flower's picture

Wow..that one is really good. Thank you as well for commenting on my poems. heh ^-^; But your poems are very well written and very imagiantive (excuse my spelling) I love them all specially this one. Insantiy is one of those strange things that brings you great amounts of insparation and yet leaves you feeling empty. But anywhoo I loved it keep it up! And I will join you when you go insane =p muwah!