My girl

When the clouds part and the sun shines down

upon the girl with the flowered gown

who sings the song of my dreams untold

and in her hand my heart she holds.

like a beautiful ruby big and red

which she'll hold until the day we wed

or otherwise inside i will feel dead,

and mourn the loss of the girl

with my dream in her head.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for my friend mandas !

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hehe I'm not tellin' (Karli)'s picture

This was the first poem of yours that I ever read and I fell in love with it the second i started reading. All of your writing has such passion and meaning. Teens everywhere can relate to everything that you write. I don't know what I would do without you, I do know that if I wasn't able to talk to you i would probably wanna live under a rock though. Love ya forever, *hugs and kisses*

laury2k4's picture

i wish i had a bigger vocabulary to describe how i feel, but in layman's terms, it's simply beautiful, emotional, amazing.

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

That really beautiful.. I really like it ..