If you feel

Shit Poems

If you feel like everyones against you

you're wrong

You don't know everyone in the world

So how would you know?

If you feel like theres no hope for you

you're right

There isn't if you don't believe in yourself

So why bother to say it?

If you feel like everythings wrong with you

You're wrong

There is something about you thats great

You just haven't found the person that knows it yet

If you think everything isn't perfect in your life

You're right

Its only up to you whether its perfect or not

So why not fix it?

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Enomai's picture

You must have had an off day! So far this is the first poem by you I have read that has the slightest hint of hope.
Congratulations on attaining a modicum of reality. Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your work .