

I see you from across the room

licking your full lips

at me

you have the same thing in mind as I do

I've been here before

but not quite like this

as you walk towards me I feel

a special feeling inside me

wanting so much to

touch you

to feel you near me

as you get close enough to take my hand

in yours I want nothing more

than you on top of me

though we feel like exploding

we take our time getting to a place

where we can fullfill a fantasy

finally coming true

your breasts are ample and firm

your nipples wanting to jump out at me

and i want to catch them with my mouth

i lay you down

ready to unleash the power in me

my breath

heavy yet soft on your neck

your body is unveiled as i peel off your clothes and I am taken aback by your beauty

making me more excited for you

we lay

breasts on breasts

legs wrapped around

enjoying the sweetness between them

and moaning

for the pleasure feels like too much

for either of us to bare

our sweat is then bound together

as we rejoice in the aftermath of passion

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Nice Write

Nice, Nice, Nice

Much Respect, One Love