Just Another Day

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Just Another Day  

There was a girl around 20 years old, who studied Economics in Monterrey and loved to spend time with her friends. She was the best in all of her classes; the teachers love her as well as her classmates. She wasn't very pretty and didn’t go out to parties a lot, but she had a lot friends with whom she could read, do homework and study. One day in college she was waiting to talk with the principal, because she wanted to apply for a scholarship in Harvard, while she was waiting, a handsome boy with black jacket sit next to her and they both waited there. She realized that he was very hot and something in him attracted her. She wanted to talk to him but she didn’t know how because she was very nervous. When suddenly the hot boy talked to her and said: “What are you doing here?”  She couldn't talk, the words didn't come out of her mouth as much as she wanted to, so she avoids the question and acted as she didn't listen to it. The boy touched her arm and when she turned to him he looked at her eyes and asked: “What are you doing here?” She was really nervous and she just smiled at him. The secretary screamed her name and said to her “The director is ready to see you”. She stood up leaving the hot boy by himself. After a while she finished her talk with the director. She was hoping that the hot guy was still there but when she was leaving there was no one in the office. She felt regret for not talking to him and went to her car to go home. When she was walking to her car she hears someone screaming her name, she turned to see who it was and notice it was the hot boy. When he gets to where she was, he tells her “You didn´t answer my question”. She asks him “How do you know my name?” He stare at her with a smile and didn´t answer her question “You have to answer my question first”. She smiled and answered “Okay I was…. ” In that moment, the boy interrupts her and asks her “It´s for something good or bad?” She thought about it and responds “Answer my question” smiling at him. He laughed and tells her “I heard it when the secretary was calling your name”. She was surprised and didn't know what to respond. He tells her “Now is….” and she interrupted him saying “For something good, I think”. He smiled at her and tells her “See you tomorrow” When he was leaving, she shouted “What´s your name?” He turns his head and responds “I owe you an answer”.

The next day, she was in the library studying for a test and suddenly he saw someone standing right in front of her. It was him, and before she could say something, he tells her “My name is Theo”.


After some time they know each other, they started to hang out almost every day; they went to parties, bars, etc…  Her grades drop from 100´s to 80´s in a few weeks. The teachers as well as her friends were worried about her, she didn't get to her classes on time, the teachers notice that her clothes smelt like cigarettes. Her friends talked to her to ask her what was going on, and she refused their help, “I'm fine” was the only thing they hear from her. Her best friend told her that Theo was the reason she was acting strange, “Jen, you have to realize that he is changing you, and not for a better you…” Jen was confused and angry when she told her that so she just leaves. Her head was full of thoughts but every time she was with Theo she forget them all.


One day Jen went along with Theo and his friends, they were going to a party. When they arrived at it, Jen asked Theo if she had changed since the first time they meet. Theo didn't expected that question and he just told her “Look Jen, I will always be with you no matter what, keep that in mind”. She knew what that meant, so she only gives a big smile at him. She realized that she had changed a lot; she didn't even like the parties or smoking, so she decided that she was going to be the girl she was and keep the friendship of Theo.


It was now past midnight, and Jen was tired so she told Theo and his friends that it was late, that she wanted go home. They were also tired and they decided to leave the party. All of Theo´s friends were drunk, but Theo was drunker than them, but it didn´t matter to anyone that Theo drove his car. So they left the party, Theo driving and Jen in the passenger seat. When they were at the middle of the highway, Jen started to tell Theo everything, and said “I will be the person I used to be.”


Suddenly, Theo wakes up in a bed hospital surrounded by flowers and family, he doesn't know what is going on, “What happened?” he asks. “You were in a car accident, you´ve been in come for a week” his mom tells him. “Where are my friends? Where is Jen!? She was with me in the car, how is she?” She didn´t answer, all she could do was cry and hug her kid.



This story was written by:

Katia Sepúlveda

Bernardo Garcia

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