A Taste of Honey



*A Taste of Honey

Oh, how minor your concern for my precious heart,
when working the astute patterns of your conquest.
For one no longer immune to the splendid  words, so toxic,
the cost they extract is too expensive to bear.
And such is my opinion, as once again my heart becomes recluse,
forever wary of such words so sweet, and so beguiling.
A taste of honey so sweet, tainted yet with posion...
one hardly realizes.....until it's too late.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ten word challenge from Jessica.    Sorry I took so long, I lost them Jess!  >^..^<
Pattern, immune, minor, recluse, splendid, toxic,expensive,  precious, astute, opinion.

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sasi's picture

Hellow kim,
reader can feel the sweetness of honey.........by words
and also the bitterness...of that hidden poison...you could make it touching......
best of luck

onelilartist's picture

Well, dang! I don't remember the words, but I sure can relate to the poem. Honied poison. MMMMmmmm, I've had a dose of that stuff a time or two myself. Good job.
