my grandma's jewelry

My grandma had a lot of jewelry. She always had earrings hanging on her ears, rings on her fingers, bracelets on her wrist, necklaces on her neck, shiny pins on her shirts and even on the strings of her glasses. I remember when I was little I use to see and see how her big earrings were hanging form her ears and made the pierce look bigger and said “Grandma you have to stop using earrings that heavy or your ears are going to fall down”. She had from animals to flowers, from diamonds to rubies and always had her gold watch on. Jewelry of all the sizes and colors that you can imagine and she saved them on the drawers on her room, as I remember, they were always there, saved in little boxes just like they were new ones. I always asked myself how many times they have been on her because I was sure she had use some of them only once or twice or maybe never before. Most were fantasy ones but the real ones were the most beautiful but also the most special. She couldn’t go out without them. Whether there was somewhere to go, someone to visit, she always had to look the best of her. Through family trips, weddings, birthdays and even funerals, she never loosed a day without something on. I always wondered what was going to happen with them when she was gone. That day came and she passed away one Saturday. That night we were on my grandma’s house and I went to her room, opened the drawers, and saw all those little shiny boxes for the last time. I was very amused because there was so many of them and also so well organized. I opened one and admired how it shined so bright. When I closed the box, I realized that there was a tag on the box that said something. “Zandra”, that’s my mother’s name. At first I was a little confused and didn’t know what it meant but after that I picked another box and looked at the bottom of it, there was another tag but this one had my sister’s name instead. Later that night we realized that not only the jewelry, but also all the things in her house had little tags with the name of everybody in the family. She didn’t let anything at its luck. This makes me happy because I know that in the future, whenever I get to use those earrings, rings, pins, necklaces, bracelets that she left they wouldn’t be just any jewelry but they will have a special meaning because I will know that she pick them up specially for me.

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english class

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