If I could look into your eyes it would all be fine

If I could look into your eyes it would all be fine

The apathy of all of this is pathetic at best 
And I'm just wondering the chances of your head on my chest 
It's so damn hard to think your love is something I'll have to pretend 
Where are you behind those colorful lids?
Can you hear me as you dream away your years?
Because I'm trying so hard to keep hope
But it's hard when pessimistic assholes say they don't know
So I keep wondering
I just want to know you know my voice
And if you're there can you help him, give him a choice
Because I just know he wants us as much as we do
So I keep dreaming of the day where I can hold you so close 
Just let me have this, let me be selfish, let me have him
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Morningglory's picture

Quite relatable for me. 

Quite relatable for me. 

Copyright © morningglory

KarenAriana's picture

Thank you, for sharing that.

Thank you, for sharing that.
