the smile,blue eyes,cute laugh. All gone...

I was hoping you'd save me.

Perhaps change my mind.

I was thinking you'd still care

Instead of leaving my side.

All the things you said

i guess where all just lies.

You even made me believe

that you werent like other guys.

Its to late now, I cant wait anymore

Even though i thought i loved you before.

Like a fool i believed in everything you said.

Now thoughts of you wont drift from my head.

Its not easy walking away from you.

Looking into eyes filled with blue.

Holding onto my hand late one night

now the temptations i will have to fight.

Its not easy letting go of someone like you

But now you left me feeling depressed and used...

My lifes a dream, you where just in it

Playing the role of the hansome prince.

I've hinted so many times, but yet you dont click in

Now unwanted pains are starting to sink in.

Its been 2 years, time for me to let go

i have no more true feelings to show....


Author's Notes/Comments: 

im getting married..
everythings happening so quick.
I cant stand still, so i keep triping on the future...

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