Good Ol' St. A's


Though this place was strict,

It was still home to me for nine years.

It was strict like a mother is,

Tough, but for your own good.

I learned many life skills.

Things all children should know.

Pure thoughts and intentions,

These things are what I'll need later.

My faith came into play.

I strengthened it with others.

I made great friends.

Some that I still have.

I learned to love this place.

This place that felt like a prison at the time.

And now I know,

There is no way I'll ever forget the memories.

But now my brain must snap back to reality.

I must face the fact,

That I've moved on.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem I had to write for english class, We had to write a Nostalgic poem. Which is about missed memories or situations. So I chose to write about my previous school. A private school I went to for 9 years kindergarden to 8th grade. Then I moved on to 9th grade at a public school. The shift is different, but not bad, I just miss the old days, when I only had 30 kids in my class all day instead of seeing new people for each period. This poem is dedicated to St. Augustine School & Parish. Thank you for everything you've taught me.

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