The Remaining Unknown


I've stolen your name
defiled your face
taken up residence at the base of your hate
I pray on the weak
devour them whole
live in the black hole at the pit of your soul
But what is your name you so snidely ask?
I'll show you by writing it on your forearm with glass
Nothing compares to the feeling of flesh
ripped from your body like a useless dress
it's in us all, each and every one
enough inner power to block out the sun
some of us snuff it, hide it, erase it
there's nothing wrong with me I just choose to embrace it

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"I'll show you by writing it

"I'll show you by writing it on your forearm with glass"

I'm gonna go with depression! OH OH Alex I'll take life sucks for 100...what is depression?

Also, these line:

"Nothing compares to the feeling of flesh
ripped from your body like a useless dress"


I so love your dark side!

Much Love
