The Same but Different

Serious Poems

During the day rooms are friendly indeed,

They flood with warm light at your slightest need.

Objects within are plain to see.

No misconceptions; as plain as can be!

During the day all is warm and bright,

But all of that changes at the fall of night.

The darkness seeps out from under the bed,

Filling small children with a nameless dread.

From closets, also, the darkness comes,

Causing the children to cry for their moms.

In the shadow’s wake, things change, to be sure;

Distorted versions of what they once were

Is what they become when touched by the dark,

Scaring small children, just for a lark.

The billowing curtain becomes a ghost,

One of the monsters that children fear most.

The tall, shaded lamp is a demon, dark,

With eyes like hot coals and teeth like a shark’s.

Familiar furniture, now twisted and strange,

Brings about in a room a terrible change.

No longer is it warm and kind,

But full of horrors, stuff of the mind.

Children lie terrified in their strange, dark rooms,

Until morning comes and lifts the gloom.

The darkness recedes, the terror ends,

And the curtains and lamps are once again friends.

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VERY WELL DONE, Easy to read with a lilting style, Excellent rhyme..