Deborah has a fear of flying…it surfaces before we even step onto the plane…

The problem:

This summer we’ll be flying to Seattle, Washington…

and back home from Bangor, Maine.


A friend of hers said, “What a coincidence…I had a fear of flying too…

but now…when I’m getting on an airplane…this is what I do.”


“When they call for me to board the plane…before it’s doorstep I have crossed

I think of Karen and Nancy (two friends they both have lost!)


"I picture them as angels in heaven floating happy…cancer free.

and I like to think my two old friends are looking after me.”


“When the airplane takes off and heads high into the sky…

I like to think that Karen and Nance are hovering nearby.”


“Now…once I’m in an airplane…I don’t worry about a thing…

because I know nothing bad will happen…with an angel on each wing.”


So…Deborah’s going to try this technique this summer 

as we fly to Seattle…then back home from Bangor, Maine…

It brings her joy and comfort thinking Karen and Nancy will be joining her on the plane.


And isn’t that a great way to travel through life?

Doesn’t it help bring joy and happiness to everyone…and everything…

knowing wherever we choose to fly…we have an angel on each wing.

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