8 minutes!

Doesn’t seem like much time does it.

It’s .8% of the time each day we are awake.

But 8 minutes in some cases…could be all the time it takes.


I heard a man tell a story about a dear friend of his

who told him about a time she felt lost and all alone

and how difficult it was for her to suffer through this time on her own.


The man said to his friend, “I’m sorry you went through such misery…

but I would have been there if you called….why didn’t you contact me?


She said, “I did contact you…check your phone…

It was last Tuesday…around noon.”

When he checked his phone…there was her message:

‘We should get together soon.’


He said, “This is the message you send me all the time.

How could I have guessed…

this message, the same as all the others…was different from the rest?”


Then he told her about an article he’d read a while back…

about how, when a person is struggling 

8 minutes of support is all they need to get themselves back on track.


So then and there they decided…if either sees this message

‘Do you have 8 minutes?’

on their phones or computer screens…

there will be no confusion…they’ll know exactly what it means.


I love this idea…


So from now on if I get a message from you that reads

‘Do you have 8 minutes?’

I’ll call you right back…they’ll be no reason to explain…


And if you get a message from me that reads

‘Do you have 8 minutes?’

I hope you’ll do the same.

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