We recently purchased and planted milkweed…not only is it pleasing to the eye 

but we had the intention, with the milkweed, of attracting monarch butterflies.


We planted them in our back yard because we didn’t want to miss

one day, one moment…once stage…of their metamorphosis.


There is nothing more beautiful in nature than to see with our own eyes

The transformation from egg, to caterpillar to chrysalis…and finally butterfly.


As we watched this wonder of nature…from our front row, ringside view…

we couldn’t help thinking about our own children…and our grandchildren too. 


From inside the womb, where they were lovingly carried until they saw the light…

to when they crawled around like caterpillars…eating everything in sight.


From the chrysalis stage they exited grown up and mature…all in the blink of an eye…

to when they finally spread their wings and they began to fly.


Our children and grandchildren went through their own metamorphosis…

and now that they are grown

we see each has developed a unique personality…and a beauty all their own….


Every stage was vital as they transformed right before our eyes…

something they share in common…with the monarch butterflies.

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