What is so special about these hanging beads…dance partners with the trees…

dangling from our porch..swaying in the breeze?


Is it the way they frame the view…how they’re pleasing to the eye

how they illuminate the clouds or how they add beauty to the sky.


Is it how when the sun’s hits them just right in the twilight or early morn

we bear witness every day to rainbows being born. 


Is it how sitting in the evening no matter how far away they are

the beads, when viewed at an angle, add color to the stars…


I imagine all these are important…all help to give our spirits a lift

but what makes these beads so special is…they were given as a gift.


Someone thought about it…then she went to all this fuss

to string these beads together and give them this gift to us.


I wonder since these hanging beads help us see the world 

through colors like we’ve never seen before

does she know when she gave us these hanging beads…

she gave us so much more


For now when we sit and watch our beads…and they cause our heart to stir

we not only think of how beautiful they are…we also think of her.

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