A father remembers years ago taking his children to the ballpark on a bright and sunny day.

They sat together in the stands and watched grown men at play.


They’d been sitting for a few innings when he heard his daughter exclaim

“Daddy, this is boring...what do you like about this game?”


It seemed at their young age his children didn’t share his baseball adoration

and he wasn’t sure they were ready for a lengthy explanation.


As they basked in the sunshine eating hot dogs with ketchup and mustard on their buns

He could have explained the rules of the game, about strikes and balls and runs.


He could have taken that opportunity surrounded by his children and his wife

to explain how baseball, if they let it, can teach them about life.


He could have pointed out although it is individual player’s names they scream

baseball teaches people to work together as a team.


That baseball teaches humility for no matter how hard you work, or what path you choose

Sometimes you’re going to win...sometimes you’re going to lose.


That baseball teaches perseverance, determination, tenacity and grit

That you shouldn’t worry when you strike out for you’ll get another chance to hit.


That you must endure the slumps in life and the havoc they may wreak

if you’re also to enjoy the jubilance when you’re on a winning streak.


He wanted to say no matter how many bases they run...no matter where they roam

that life will circle back and they’ll always be safe at home.


All these thoughts went through his mind as they sat in the park that day

Wondering what to tell his children as they watched grown men at play.


“What do I like about baseball,” he said smiling for suddenly he knew

“What I like best about baseball”...is sharing it with you.


His children are all grown now and as far as baseball...that’s a shame

because he never got to explain to them the intricacies of the game.




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