We were visiting our granddaughter…it was nearing her 12th birthday

when we asked her what she wanted…but she was hesitant to say.


After a little coaxing on our part we finally got her to say… 

what she wanted was a birthday visit from…who else…Beyonce.


As her grandparents we immediately decided that we had to do

everything within our power to make her wish come true.


So we ordered Beyonce and Jay Z masks but all to suddenly became aware

after searching through our closets…we had nothing we could wear.


So off we went to thrift stores where we found a gold shirt for Jay Z

and a red dress that was too long for Deborah but the perfect size for me.


It was here we changed our original plan…I’m sure now you can guess.

Deborah would wear Jay Z’s gold shirt and me…Beyonce’s dress.


We went straight home to try them on and here I must admit

Deborah looked great in her gold shirt…and my dress was a perfect fit.


The morning of her birthday arrived…as it had the year before

Only this year Beyonce and Jay Z were there to greet her at her door.


And she seemed surprised and excited as the two of us held court…

first Deborah gave her a birthday hug…(who knew Jay Z was so short!)


Next it was my turn to dance with Ava although the best dancer I am not.…

But it din’t matter because in that dress…

as Beyonce…

I was looking pretty hot!


We wondered if Ava would be disappointed 

that the real Jay Z and Beyonce weren’t standing there…

but if the smile on her face was any indication…

she didn’t seem to care.


For that’s what grandparents were created for…

that is what grandparents do….

Everything within our power


to make every wish come true.

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