I love old fences…they remind me of an era…

an age that was simple and slow.

They are rustic, pastoral…picturesque…

and harken to a time long ago.


They span generations…they are a link to our past…

In the present…they can still be our guide…

and when we climb them we gaze into our future…

waiting for us…on the other side.


It’s easy to tell by their crudeness…

They were built with a few tools…all by hand.

You can find them all over the countryside

they add beauty and texture to the land.


They were valuable to the farmers

They controlled livestock while allowing the wind in to air condition the trees.

They were places to sit and talk with your neighbor

to exchange ideas…or just shoot the breeze.


Old fences remind me of dreams that I’ve had.

Dreams built in another time…long gone by…

Perhaps they have weathered a little over the years

But they’re still standing today…as am I.


We need old fences in our life…

as mementos of the dreams we’ve amassed…

to remind us as we look to our future


It’s still wonderful to remember our past…

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