No one likes war, I am totally against it.

  It has been forced upon us, like it or not.

  But because of people who also hated war,

  We live in the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave."

  There are now men and women of honesty and principle,

  That exhibit courage and symbolize the spirit of freedom,

  Who proudly wear uniforms of the American military,

  And deserve from us support, honor and recognition.

  I thank God for our freedom, which came at a high price,

  And to the ones who bought and paid for it

  By laying down their lives in defense of this land,

  So that we can live free in the greatest country on earth.

  We must unite with but one thought, then standing firm,

  Ask God to give us wisdon, strength, courage, and stamina

  To see us through the future of our trials and tribulations

  Let all voices sound the cry....

                 "PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND"!!

           May God Bless Humanity And The World

                And Save Us From Ourselves!

                      God Bless America

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written March 27, 2003 as a patriotic tribute to our children who did not ask for this war but are giving their lives to defend freedom.

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hhickson's picture

Amen. Freedom has a high price is absolutely right. People just take it for granted that our military will protect them if they are attacked, but should wait until then. The name of the game is preemptive strike. In this day and age, if you wait for the attack to come, it will be to late and all will be lost.

Hugs and Peace.