My grandpa's fishing pole

My grandfather most loved possession was a peculiar fishing pole. It was important not because how many fish he caught with it, it was important because of all memories it brought back when he sees it. He kept the fishing pole at his dining room. I think it was a trophy for him. It was a theme of discussion between my grandmother and my grandfather because it was old, was dirty and all kind of things. Every day he rubbed it with a little sponge to maintain it clean. No matter what were his conditions: sick, happy, sad, he needed to clean his fishing pole before going out of the house. On family reunions either was a birthday, a wedding or just a simple dinner he talked about his experiences going fishing with that particular pole. He repeated the same old stories after some time but we didn’t stop hearing them because remembering those moments and talking about them made him happy. While he was speaking, he sometimes laughed so much that he started crying. The memories of his friends and the moments together make him the happier person on Earth. He was a very good fisher. He had 8 trophies of fishing tournaments in first place and the pictures were great. Beside his pole he had a picture, a picture where he was with his best friend Ricardo holding a rope with 20 enormous fishes. He always described that night, a peculiar moment. He smiled every time he remembered it, when he and his friend where just sitting in chairs with almost their feet on the water just talking about silly things and laughing a lot. While they were talking, they were waiting with the bait in the water for the moment a fish bites it. They spent talking from 7 am until 3 am enjoying the moment. They prepared a campfire between them to maintain them hot and they were drinking a lot of beer. He repeated constantly: “Those were good times”. After he finished the story he told my dad and my uncles that they don’t need all the money in the world to be happy. What they need is a family and friends that accompany you in the good and the bad times. He died from a heart attack when I was 8 years old, but those words will always be with me.

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lol, you are fat