I Salute You


you fight for my freedom
you go agenst things so fearsome
you could or already have, come close to death
you could or have, come close to giving away your last breath

my grandfather is one of you
what he hase done not many can do
we may feel more than you, blue
but remember i always salute you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is for my grandfather, I love him. he's fun, goofy, loveable, and a veteran. he fought for me. I only wish I had his courage to do the same for him.

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Very good. Short, yet it

Very good. Short, yet it spoke everything that it needed to say.
We all should salute, those few that go out and fight for our freedom, each
and everyday.
Let there lives, be put on the line,
so we can ours.
