This is my "Goodbye For Now"

Sometimes when you speak without saying words

I silently agree with you

I know exactly how you feel

And I know how hard it is to make it through

All the tough times when we aren't together

We don't even feel apart

This feels like the end

A feeling no one can mend

When all you felt is forever lost at heart

I will take the hint

But I will not walk so far away

I will not stray

I know my way

I will keep within calling distance

If you ever feel alone

And if no one is at home

You can call on me and know your secret is safe with me

this is how it really has to be

You have your life

I have mine

I have plans, they are not blind

I know what to do, and where to go

If you need a guiding light, just ask

And I will only be too glad to show you the way

this is the end of everything we thought we knew

You never have to speak with me again

But you should know I will always be your friend

Up until the end, that is one feeling that will forever stay

It will never stray

As a loving person I owe that much to you

As a ending note to this poem of a letter

I want to write that I thank you

I want to say that the memories we made

Will all but ever fade

And if you need me, just say "Hi"

And I'll be there by your side

Because although I am on the other side of this canyon

This canyon will one day fade away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I can get the hints, and I understand them just fine.  I know when it is time to move on and although you have told me time and time again, this time I will let you have your way.  Still to be friends this is my departure for now.

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Danielle Wagner's picture

This one almost made me cry! It's really sad...and really good!! I haven't read one yet that isnt!