'09 Eyes Cream*


The moment will not go to waste
It is there in front for me to taste
Palmed around causing an easy drip
An anxious melt that began at the tip
Dripping all around causing a swerve
With the sun exposing gleaming curves
I managed to nibble the sweet frozen ice
A daring move with that look in your eyes
Savoring lick by lick over your tender skin
With my gentle swirls slowly forcing a grin
uh, hmm...
I return to your treat so my tongue can flirt
So you smile as I fathom your sweet dessert

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Oh the sweetness!

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Transplendent Experience's picture

It is prurient, and quite sensusous. As always you have my heart racing and my mind spinning making me feel breathless.

Dystopia's picture

I loved it. kinda' sweet but dirty at the same time. The title was clever too, the whole poem is just generally cute. Certainly a treat to read. Keep up the awesome work and swing by my page sometime ^_^