
When I small, people compliment on everything I did 

They worshiped the ground I stepped on 

And talked so much that I started to believe it. 

But dad. 

He never praised me 

He just looked straight at my eyes and said:

"Dunn you dare to be cocky, girl"

I always hated it.


He used to be the one who hugged me 

He once played with me alot 

and patient to my childish babbling 

Listened to it all-ear and nodding 

So knowledgeable and loving.


But things changed 

I blamed it for my brother's birth 

For him to steal away my mommy-daddy. 

Dad no longer tell me nice and other replaced 

But all thing never be the same. 


Time came

Events flowed

Then I started wonder how much he's hurt 

When I, as an oh-so-mighty and righteous 14 years old, said


No dad

THEY are not my relatives." 


He was so prideful in my memory 

But seem so old and worn-out now. 

He is more silent 

He started to worry about me 


Like an old ban has vanished. 

He started to think that 

Girls could do THINGS too. 

And he started to know me. 


His girl has changed 

She has become independent now

This hurted him 

She hurted him 

Her beloved and well-respect mommy-daddy 

She just doesn't know how to fix things 

When once was there only her 

Struggled up to be a "boy". 

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Anretsuhn's picture

Interesting poem

I think I might understand it.
Though, the grammer could use some work.

