For Whitney

The little girl

with golden smiles

and shimmering chestnut eyes,

walks along

the meadows green

beneath the deep blue skies.


chipmunks in trees

and the shivering cypress sighs.

Songbirds sing

then take to wing,

and flutter to the skies,

to spy the girl

like perfect pearl;

weeping last goodbyes.

For soon the moon

will swank and swoon;

mark time for sun's arise.

She'll return again

young woman then;

reform to their surprise,

She's so much more

divine, adore

this nature's niche decries.

Alluring maiden

lovely laden

with shimmering chestnut eyes.

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I really enjoyed this poem, I came to read some of yours after you commented on mine about my daughter. My daughter has PDD-NOS, it's a form of autism. She is very intelligent but cannot communicate and therefore gets very frustrated. She is only 3 but she often says negative things about herself, and it's just heartbreaking. I get a very warm feeling about Whitney when reading this, I love the descriptivness.