One Satisfying Day

I was thinking today.

I was doing a lot of pondering.

It struck me that today is Sunday.

For me, Sundays are days of relaxation.

What an enjoyable day Sunday is:

A day to recline and to lounge about.

It is the last Sunday of the month of July.

The last Sunday for July in 2003.

Unfortunately, this day will never happen even once more.

But is this really something to be sad about?

I say take pleasure in this day.

Try to benefit from it in every way possible.

Make this day one to remember:

The day that you think back upon when you are feeling dejected and down.

Too many people constantly look to the future.

For them tomorrow will be an even better day.

In doing this, they forget about today.

Today is indeed an impressive day.

One always looking forward

Will sooner or later have only yesterday to contemplate.

And that will cause one to wonder,

“Where have my years gone?”

Appreciate each and every day.

Make today the finest day.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

“I expect the unexpected, my glorious good now comes to pass.”
  -Florence Scovel Shinn

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Liberty Bell's picture

I really like this poem, it's helped me understand the fact that i shouldn't take the days for granet that they're great in there own way.
Liby :)