

Sometimes i wonder to myself, what is it life is showing me

Two girls i love

More then anything in the world

Both of which i want to be with

My heart yearning for them

Yet now they are with each other

In love with each other and dating each other

How does that shit work?

I do think it is my destiny to be alone

Both who i love dearly, love each other

Look at the irony in that

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Mike W.'s picture

Lol shannon, though i do agree, there shouldnt be n e watching. To bad though matt, never really had that happen to me, but the one that i love is Bi. So maybe we have a little in common.

shannon's picture

you're an ass. there will be no watching.

steffie's picture

this poem sucks 2 very much

no one important's picture

Sometimes shit happens and you need to learn to deal with it. Don't think that it is your destiny to be alone. No one is meant to be alone. People love and care about you more than anything, you just don't see it I guess.

Dan's picture

man well maybe you are doing somthing wrong if the two girls that you like are now dating eachother. you shouldnt be to upset about it tohugh because they are lesbians. maybe they will let you watch.