
Beauty, you stir inside me, a feeling I cannot explain.

Not to myself nor to the occasional borrowed ear.

Elusive is your being

hidden in sunsets,

by mountain peak,

near budding flowers,

with wind swept grass 

skimmed cross

rolling plains,

of bird in flight 

from trees unmoving,

save for the leaves

that dance with the branch

and the shade it all permits.

You are the break between

the crash of wave on shore.

The break of day that splits the night

respite from the aimless trudge of life,

for those that see it.


Can you lay to rest

or set in stone

this ephemeral glimpse of awe.

To chisel away the dull idle thoughts,

and leave a mind less haunted.

Your touch a fickle presence.

Your breath a moment of color, splotched.

The beauty within the limit.

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Sassylass's picture


write on beauty!



Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



DivineGoddess111's picture

Beauty in everything...

Beauty in everything... Divine. Thats how I see it also. Thank you for sharing.